26 Jun 2013


1)... but in the end it all makes sense: the happiness of one becomes the joy of all.
2)... no life is complete without a touch of madness.
3) I only know that a life without cause is a life without effect.
4) To live is to experience things, not to sit around pondering the meaning of life.
5) Don't think about what you'll tell people afterwards. The time is here and now. Make the most of it.
6)... all we achieve by exacting revenge is to make ourselves the equals of our enemies, whereas by forgiving we show wisdom and intelligence.
7) If you spend too much time trying to find out what is good or bad about someone else, you'll forget your own soul and end up exhausted and defeated by the energy you have wasted in judging others.
8) If you have misunderstood me, it's because that idea must be inside your head. [...] place all your feelings outside yourself and you will be renewed.
9)... don't be intimidated by other people's opinions. Only mediocrity is sure of itself, so take risks and do what you really want to do. Seek out people who aren't afraid of making mistakes, and who therefore, do mistakes. Because of that, their work often isn't recognized, but they are precisely the kind of people who change the world and, after many mistakes, do something that will transform their own community completely.
10) Dreamers can never be tamed.
11) Forgiveness only works if you accept it.
12)... being alone may make me more vulnerable, but it makes me more open too.
13) As always happens when we're focused on what we want, things begin to slot perfectly into place.
14) True wisdom consists in respecting the simple things we do for they can take us where we need to go.
15) Suffering comes from desire, not from pain.
16)... all the loves in the world are like rivers flowing into the same lake, where they meet and are transformed into a single love that becomes rain and blesses the earth.
17) And just as you are transforming your own life, may you transform the lives of those around you. When they ask, do not forget to give. When they knock at your door, be sure to open it. When they lose something and they come to you, do whatever you can to help them find what they have lost. First, though, ask, knock at the door and find out what is missing from your life. A hunter always knows what to expect - eat or be eaten.
18) Is it possible to deviate from the path God has made? Yes, but it's always a mistake. Is it possible to avoid pain? Yes, but you'll never learn anything. Is it possible to know something without ever experiencing it? Yes, but it will never truly be a part of you.
19)... sometimes you have to travel a long way in order to find what is near.
20) That's what makes life interesting - believing in treasures and in miracles.
21) Only two things can reveal life's great secrets: suffering and love.

Life is a journey. Make sure you don't miss a thing.
[Aleph by Paulo Coelho ]

8 Jun 2013

Happiness is only real when shared

I had a wonderful day and now I wish I could have birthdays more often:)

5:33am - my sweetest flatmates walk into the room and wake me up singing the slovak version of 'Happy Birthday'. I absolutely loved Jessi's 'vela sta-sta zdra-va, vela sta-sta zdra-va... :)
5:37am - blew out birthday candles on birthday muffins and got the first presents.

Decoration is a must!
11:45am-3:00pm - [language school] I have the best classmates ever! Got this lovely handmade cupcake filled with the best birthday wishes from my 'danish crew'! On top of that they surprised me with a strawberry cake with a candle;) I love blowing out candles... coz you can make a wish each time. So I made them to light the candle twice for me;)
Hug time, and afterwards we nailed it with singing "Idag er det Oles fødselsdag".. Hurra Hurra Hurra! I really appreciate it all! Tak Evelina, Aga, Yukie, David & Ilona, Miko & Agata, Ihab,Tony, Hong, Sheila;)

 'You can't be sad when you're holding a cupcake'

3:05pm - finding this made me absolutely speechless and impressed. I totally loved it and I love you. You know!

3:30pm - birthday coffee with a first-class friend. sun - chitchatting - laughing! Superb! :)
5.10pm - got another surprise waiting at the post office! Goodbye diet:) time to reveal the chef within me :-* Kisses to Prague!

9.10pm - More flowers, more chocolate, more friends!!
11.00pm - 02:00am - spontaneous 'happy hours' with Aga. and the wish came true :-)

3 Jun 2013

Každý by mal mať svoju Simonku - Everyone should have their own Simona

alebo/ or:

The happiness of one becomes the joy of all!

som spat. zobudila som sa. po pol roku. a moze to vyzerat tak, ze v mojom zivote ma dokazu nadchnut uz len 2 udalosti - novy rok a narodeniny. No a kedze decembrovy novorocny prispevok mam za sebou, idem polemizovat nad tym ako starnem.

i am back. i woke up again. after half a year. haven't posted anything for quite some time..so it may seem that there are only two exciting things/events in my life - new years and my birthday. and since the 2012/2013 contemplation has been already uploaded in December, now its time to deliberate over my age.

radsej nie. 
tento rok som narodeniny oslavila o par dni skor; trosku netradicne no jedinecne!
dokonaly vikend v belgickom kralovstve a prisamfakt som sa citila ako kralovna..alebo nejaka kralovska macka prinajmensom. kombinacia vylet - chutne jedlo - belgicke pivo a cokolada potesi vzdy! no highlightom mojho vikendu bola prilezitost travit sialeny cas s osobou, ktora mi tu v skandinavii chyba asi najviac- s mojou Simonkou!

rather not.

I celebrated my birthday a bit earlier this year and it was all very special and precious to me. I spent great time in Royaume de Belgique and it really felt like being a royal family member - or some royal cat at least. the combination of trips- delicious food - Belgian beer and chocolate  sounds always great. but the highlight of 'my' weekend was the fact, that i could spent crazy and happy time with the person whom I probably miss the most, here in Denmark - with my Simonka!

Thank you for everything <3

Tu je male obrazkove defile dokumentujuce moje stastie a nasu radost:
Here is the proof of my happiness and our joy

(Lana del Rey)
(belgian beer)

  (L’asperge du Limbourg & Le pigeonneau d’Anjou) 

 Dakujem ti za:
- shopping fever
- super koncert (odteraz ma veta "BOLA SOM NA LANE" ovela hlbsi vyznam)
- hen night
- aromaticke bagety na stojaka v elektricke
- 'srobovacie' vino v papierovych poharoch a noc po tom
- tour de Mons
- equador coffee & tiramisu break
- zoznamenie s Cickou a Bodkou
- za to ze ta mam!!! 

A čo je mladosť? - Dvadsaťpäť rokov?
Ružových tvárí hlaď jará?
Či údov sila? Či strmosť krokov?
Toto sa všetko zostará!
Mladosť je túžba živá po kráse,
je hlas nebeský v zemskom ohlase,
je nepokoj duší svätý,
je tá mohutnosť, čo slávu hľadá,
je kvetín lásky rajská záhrada,
je anjel v prachu zaviaty!

(A.Sládkovič, Marína)